Hello Yoga lover… Welcome to Sabda Live online & on demand… This is a space for slow movers & gentle souls to find space, nourishment and deep connection…
Whether you’re a Yoga teacher already, or this is your first experience with Yoga, you are welcome here. Lauren is an experienced guide through the physical & subtle realms of practice, an intuitive teacher with deep & nurturing roots.
Let Lauren guide you through movement, meditation, breath work and relaxation. Deep dive in to Yoga philosophy, or explore somatic & therapeutic movement techniques..
Programmes available include:
The Pancha Maha Bhutas (The 5 great elements), 5 classes which seek to bring deeper understanding of the human experience through the lens of yoga philosophy & the lessons within the natural world.
The Yamas & Niyamas ‘10 to Zen’, 10 classes which take a deep dive in to the observances and ways of being that we bring to our yoga practice, and our humanity, as outlined in the Yoga Sutras.
Audio recordings include Yoga Nidra, Loving Kindness & guided breath work…
Weekly Live Class recordings of our ‘nurture & nourish’ sessions which includes somatic movement, mindful awareness & meditation.
Choose a practice plan that suits your needs…
On-demand Unlimited
Unlimited on-demand video and audio content
Live Online & On-demand Unlimited
This option includes a weekly live online class Thursdays 9.30-10.45am. Live pop-up classes and unlimited on-demand video & audio content.