Sabda is the offering of Yoga Teacher & Writer Lauren Bloxham

Sabda is the Sanskrit word which refers to ‘the sound of speech’…. Our voice is the living essence of our being, and words form to express this living essence - they carry vibration and meaning, knowledge & understanding, their transmission can resonate with truth or dissonance, with a deep and lasting effect… The offering of these yoga classes, workshops & retreats aims to bring the inner experience and its outer expression in to alignment, so that we can honour our individual truths and resonate with compassion for ourselves first, and then one another.

Lauren is a gentle teacher, with a subtle yet powerful approach, favouring verbal cues, quotes & stories as a primary method for transmission during her classes. She promotes agency in her clients, inviting them to meet themselves with spacious and compassionate awareness.

She holds space for movement, mindfulness & meditation online, in-person in West Cornwall & on retreat.

Lauren Bloxham
Yoga Teacher BWY500+ Hrs

Lauren’s Training & Specialisms Include:

Hatha Yoga, Advanced Teaching, Pranayama & Meditation 500hrs

Working Therapeutically with Cancer 60hrs

Yoga for Mental Health & MHFA

Yoga for Children 40hrs

Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth 60hrs

KGHypnobirthing Teacher

Somatic & Therapeutic Movement

Yoga Nidra

‘Introduction to Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy’ (IBMT)

‘Infant Movement Development’ (IBMT) - Currently in progress 2024/2025

Sabda Online
Every month